Boxing At Home Tips And Recommendations

Have you given up on the promises that your workout equipment stand for? If yes, boxing at home could be something that will give you a new hope. Many attest that they have lost the extra pounds especially in the belly area when they tried the varied routines it involves at the comfort of their own homes. Additionally, these people report strengthened bones and muscles.

Now, what are the specific boxing training tips which will keep your body and mind in top shape? These are combinations of anaerobic and cardio activities.

When done properly, they bring mind and body coordination, admirable endurance and amazing strength to your body. Needless to say, these benefits would remain a dream if you do not prepare the materials necessary in pursuing boxing training on your own. The materials needed are boxing gloves, hand wraps, leather jump rope, mirror, pull up bar, round timer, heavy bag and speed bag.

The jump rope be would needed for the performance of one of the oldest boxing routines created – jump rope training. Being a cardiovascular exercise, it pumps blood for the entire body.

The repeated skipping also increases the metabolism rate; thus, fats in the belly area are trimmed. Arm cross, foot cross, back shuffle, forward shuffle and bell jump are the varied techniques involved here.

Push-ups, sit-ups and stretching are the common boxing training routines involved in boxing. They too sculpt the body in a positive way. Even though you are beginner, you can do this without the aid of any equipment.

Theses must be done at least in three rounds so that its effect will be experienced by the body. Combinations of sit-ups and push-ups will definitely firm up the stomach muscles. Here is a reminder when doing push ups. Keep your body straight to avoid injuries.


Even when boxing at home, you can learn the four basic punches boxers perform. They are called the cross, jabs, hooks and the upper cut. Both your lead and rear hands will be utilized in creating these punches.

Jabs are straight and quick punches that require the efforts of your lead hand. On the other hand, the crosses are punches that use the rear hand.

The same goes for upper cuts which are performed in rising motions. The hooks, however, are done in circular motions to target the opponent’s head.

Once you know the different punches you can move into shadow boxing. Simply stand in a well-lit room. Position yourself in front of a wall where you can see your shadow.

Treat your shadow as your opponent. Keep on punching and changing your stance as you would in an actual fight. Or you could imagine an opponent standing in front of you while throwing punches in the air.

Just like any sport or weight management activity, boxing at home would not work to your advantage if you will not make time for it.

Observe its routines devotedly so that you can enjoy its utmost benefits. Consult a professional trainer before you start with your regimen. If you cannot continue to hire his services, grab an online program that will complement your needs and skills as a non-athlete. Now is the best time to find out more about boxing and its health benefits.

Are You Looking For Boxing Training Routines? Visit Our Website At If You Want To Improve Your Boxing Today.

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